Love me fiercely
As I sink into my darkest depths
Where I lose myself and find my pain
And cry and yell and weep
And rage.
Love me fiercely
As I grieve and mourn and release and cycle back
And deeper
And deeper
Until I find the source of this bleeding.
And hold it.
And name it.
And mother it.
Hold the space for me
To sit with it.
To feel it.
To be IN it.
To be it.
And hear it whisper to me about
The strength I have to heal
To grow and learn
To thrive
Not because I was wounded
But because I recognized it and gave myself love.
Because I named it and gave myself hope.
Because I felt it and gave myself a chance to feel
Patience is hard.
Loving yourself when you feel like a failure is hard.
Mothering your wounded self while mothering the
world around you is hard.
And so I ask you
To love me fiercely.