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Healing Birth
Lynnea Laessig
Sep 5, 20234 min read
When Your Birth Plan Doesn't Vibe with Hospital Policy
You know what you want for your birth: to let your body do it's thing while having the unwavering support of a knowledgable,...
Lynnea Laessig
Aug 23, 20233 min read
Induction vs Augmentation | What's the Difference?
Induction is a very popular topic around birth, most commonly associated with Pitocin, or Syntocinon if you're not in the United States....
Lynnea Laessig
Aug 17, 20232 min read
Why You Should Hire Your Postpartum Doula BEFORE Birth
Wait, aren't postpartum doulas *just* for postpartum? Nope! Postpartum doulas are unique in that their work focuses on the"end goal" of...
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